Chronicles of Narnia Unit Study

Chapter 6: Into the Forest

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The children are all waiting for Mrs. Mcready to pass by [their hiding spot] with her tour group. The kids are in the wardrobe and all of a sudden realize that it's cold,  wet, and there is snow and trees!?  Susan suggests they all put on one of the coats from the wardrobe, and Peter agrees. The coats look big on the children, kind of like long royal robes.
They begin their adventure. Edmund gives himself away (about having known the truth about Narnia). Peter calls him on it. They continue on with Edmund swearing revenge under his breath.
Peter asks Lucy to lead the way. She suggests visiting Mr. Tumnus the Faun. Finally Lucy finds his place. The door is off the hinges. Everything is broken, the floor is damp, the abode is smelly and strewn with debris such as broken crockery. Mr.  Tumnus' photo of his father is ruined on the floor as well.  Edmund comments it is a "wash-out" coming here. Peter finds a paper nailed to the floor. Peter reads that the Faun is under arrest for "fraternizing with Humans". Susan now doubts she will like Narnia, it seems so dangerous. Lucy tells them that this "Queen" is actually a Witch, who makes Narnia always winter, "but never Christmas", and that all the wood people hate her.
Susan doubts their safety, suggests they go home, since it's getting colder and they've no food. Lucy says they must stay to rescue the Faun.  Edmund disagrees. Peter tells him to shut up. Susan agrees with Lucy that  they should indeed try to help the Faun. Peter is concerned they have no food.
Along comes a robin red-breast who leads the children by hopping from tree to tree.  Discreetly, Edmund questions how they are to know  what "side"  the robin is on, whether  it's a good idea or not to follow it. Peter dismisses  the concern, citing that in all the stories he's read, robins have been "good" birds.  Edmund  then questions whether the Faun is on the right side, to which Peter replies, "The  Faun saved Lucy." Edmund makes a snide remark then wonders how they will get back or get dinner. Peter is worried.